25% off on december 22nd only
*no code needed
*valid thru midnight
*all sales completely final
*in-stock merchandise only
*free gift while supplies last
*no price adjustments on previous purchases
*shop daily via our website-we made it easy to shop each discount or come shop in store
*must have one item or more from elf discount to receive free gift on qualifying purchase
spoiled dog dishtowel
sprig tea towel set of three
stuffy dogs tea towel
trim a tree tea towel
usa tea towel
veggie pun tea towel
waffle weave tea towel
wakey wakey tea towel
whip it good tea towel
white more happy tea towel
winter dog tea towel
yellow gingham tea towel
yellow madras tea towel
you helped me grow dishtowel
zig zag tea towel